Magic Wand

Little Words¨ by Gary A. Fellows

A little word may mean a lot,
A word as short and quick as HOT!
Or opposites like STOP and GO,
Or UP and DOWN or YES or NO.
Sometimes all you have to say
Is one brief word which will convey
A lot of meaning, short and sweet -
For instance, when you're famished: EAT!,
Or HURRY if you find you're late,
Or at the street side curb a "WAIT!"
And if a whisper comes to mind
That tells you DON'T, I think you'll find
It's very likely good advice;
You really ought not ponder twice.
When long at sea, that one word LAND!
And RUN! when danger's right at hand
Which makes your heartbeat pound and thump,
And from a crashing train, just JUMP!
Are all such words it's best to heed,
All packed with meaning, yes, indeed.
Consider these two: THANKS and PLEASE,
Words pronounced with simple ease,
Yet words most often good when heard -
Such blessing from a simple word.
Words designed to make you act
Or get the point with little tact
Are words like WOLF (if you're a sheep)
And words like SHHHHH if you're asleep.
Sometimes words are sad, like "BYE"
Or words of gladness such as "HI!"
Or words that make you quickly think
Like SKUNK! which could prevent a stink.

Or how about that small word LOOK!

You need not read a lengthy book

To understand the meaning of

And feel the sentiment of LOVE,

A word to follow "I", like DO

Resulting in a ONE from TWO!

A word like PUSH instead of PULL,

A word like COW instead of BULL,

May make a difference rather great.

There's power in a word like HATE.

Yes, on and on this list could go

Of words that all of us well know

Expressing good or bad intent,

Depending on what each is meant

To cause the hearer to discern.

Perhaps what all of us should learn

Is how to leave the bad stuff out

And speak the good without a doubt,

To use our tongues to benefit

Whoever's ears are hearing it.

In whisper, shout, or normal tone,

In person or by telephone,

Each little word we have to say

Has consequences for the day

When it is spoken and beyond.

Some are like a magic wand

To change a person's point of view

Of who they are, what they can do,

Or even save a life from death -

A single word, a single breath,

Is sometimes all that is required.

A single word so much desired

That someone says and someone hears

May have a power through the years

To be remembered with a smile.

So make each word you speak worth while!

“See how great a forest is set aflame by such a small fire! And the tongue is a fire…” James 3:5-6

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