
Have you ever swum to the middle of a lake, and then relaxed and commenced floating? Maybe you were surrounded by water up to your neck, doing as little kicking as possible to stay afloat. Have you ever been eye level with the waves as they rock up and down?

If so, you’ve had the experience I had this evening. My eyes took in the lingering light and the lap of the waves. My limbs felt the gentle swirl and swoosh of the water as I treaded water.  And my brain contemplated the words, “The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.”

These are among the opening verses of the Jewish and Christian sacred writings. Relaxed and floating in the middle of the lake I contemplated how my experience out there is like God in my life.  

Just because God is not obviously discernible in your personal world, does not mean He is not at work. 

Scientists say that water currents are among the hardest dynamics of nature to study.  And I think that must also be true of the workings of the Holy Spirit. 

How we long to see Spirit of God at work!

How we long to see Spirit of God at work! Instead of firm footprints in the sand, the Spirit’s workings are more like the kiss of the summer breeze on my cheek…now here, now gone.  Or like the swirling current of water my kicking feet make when treading water.  Obviously felt, but just so quickly gone.  

Just because God is not obviously discernible in your personal world, does not mean He is not at work.  Maybe he’s there hovering.  Maybe he is just about to make his move. 

You can be sure He’s ready to cradle you in the tough times and rock you to sleep in the peaceful times. Practice perceiving Him in the little things. Be still. For once, just be still.

Photo credit by Ibrahim Mohamed at Unsplash